Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 The year of fun

Welcome to my crazy little world, friends! I will do my best to keep this blog up to date J However, one of my few flaws is skipping around from hobby to hobby and subject to subject. My objective for this blog is to share my many interests with you all. I have a passion for so much in life such as music, crafts, cooking, techie stuff and much, much more. I hope to show you all new things and entertain you with my life along the way.

I can't believe 2011 is already upon us! Time is going by so quickly because not only is it 2011, but it's almost FEBRUARY! It's a pretty big year bc many of my friends and I are turning 30! The number isn't scary anymore. When I was 18, 30 seemed like the end of the line. I would be married with a couple kids by now. But that is the last thing I am. I am a very single lady who is just living life to its fullest, some of the times.

2011 is the year of fun! There are current, feasible, things I do want to accomplish before that little number 30 rears its head at me on May 25th. I want to be able to finish decorating my house. The place has been a work in progress for awhile. I moved into my house in 2003 and am now just starting to really decorate. See I am rarely home and when I am home, it is late at night. The last thing I want to do is decorate. So this year, I will make this house a home. One problem is that I am very indecisive. I change my mind constantly.

This leads to another one of my little resolutions, deciding on an answer and sticking with it. I sway so much that it makes me feel and look flimsy at times. I want to be this confident, smart and independent woman. And one part is making a decision and being confident about it. Even if the answer is wrong, it is ok bc I can only learn from the mistake and people may not even know if I was wrong as long as the confidence is there. One shall be cocky and the world will open up to them. For example, The situation! Yes, we laugh at him but that man is making mucho bucks thanks to his cockiness. So this gal is gonna rock the cockiness. This reminds me of a great quote from a song called "Little girl" by Julian Casablanca "A trick that people use to make you think they are smart, is confidence when actually they're lost in the dark" SO TRUE! So fake it till you make it!

So Here is the list of things to do before 30:

1 – Decorate my house into my little haven.

2. Be a confident badass chick.

3. BBB – Best body by 30. Now is the time!!!! It only gets harder from here!

4. Update this blog once a week.

5. Don't just talk about things, do them! Life is too short to wait!

6. Leave work at work. But while at work, get the most done. This will lead to a whole new organization system. I live in a world of organized madness.

7. Let the people I love know how much they mean to me and not take advantage of the key players.

I should formally introduce myself. My name is Farishta but my friends call me Frish. The name is Farsi and means Angel. Not that I am a perfect little angel but sometimes I put the halo. I am a single, 29 year old gal who is waiting, sometimes impatiently, for Mr. Right or Right now. I live in the burbs, Crofton. But I live right in the middle of Baltimore and DC. Also I live conveniently by one of my favorite places, Annapolis.

I must confess, dear readers, I am a dork. I sometimes compare myself to JD in scrubs with my humor and internal monologues. The little things in life make me happy and I laugh through most things in life, happy and sad. I believe laughter is a way to sooth the soul. I work in marketing and at times become a workaholic. I am constantly trying to better myself. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn't. But hey, at least I try! Enough about me! You will find out more and more about me during our time together.

I promise to post a photo album by the end of the week. Especially of my home improvements. A lot of the decorating will be created by hand because this chick has to design on a dime. I have a bad habit of going out, shopping (damn you Target!!!) and drinking coffee (Damn you Starbucks!!!). So this limits my decorating budget. Life is just gonna have to be fabulous on a budget if I want to do it all!

So thus starts our journey in my beautiful, sorta, life! I hope you enjoy the ride. I have a feeling I am going to have to brush up on my grammar. Maybe I will pull out the Little Brown Handbook from College. But there is a chance that will just join the pile of other books on my nightstand.

Until next time I wish you champagne dreams. XOXO La Frish!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blogging... it's half the battle

Welcome to my new blog :) I am just starting this site up so the site is temporarily under construction.

Excited about the new project. So hold on to your seats kids, it's gonna be one hell of a ride ; )