Friday, July 8, 2011

Racing thoughts...

Well look at little ol' me blogging two days in a row! Miracles do happen people! Last nite I looked over my January entry and was a bit disappointed in myself for not keeping up with the blog and for not attaining my BBB30 goal. But Peter, Bjorn and John say best in "Nothing to worry about", "if you got problems, why don't you just solve them?"

So I'm going to stop thinking and actually start doing. Step 1 blog. CHECK! Step 2 get healthy. That is a little more long term, so that check will come when I get to my goal. To help me get to my goal I am going to start training for the Baltimore Running Festival 5K. The run is on October 15th, so can I do a couch to 5k in 99 days?? The answer better to be yes bc I'm not backing out!

I will devise a brilliant training plan this weekend and share it on Sunday.

But fear not fellow readers because I will not let healthiness overtake summer and my life. I will find a balance mix! As everyone says, naggingly, it is a lifestyle change. My lifestyle change will have to allow me to be the foodie I always wanted to be!

I must sign off now. I am writing from my phone in bed and my eyes keep closing without my permission.

XO Don't stop believin' XO

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Confessions of a horrible blogger!

I know, I know! I am a liar. I have not been blogging as I promised before. For shame!!!

Updates on life... None lol. I am now 30 though! It seems quite crazy to me but it is true. I actually feel it too. I even got an adult headboard :) -picture to follow-

The confidence thing has actually happened too. Well to some extent. At work and it would be better at home if I actually got my BBB30. Alas that item on my to do list was not accomplished. One day!!!

My goal for you my fellow readers is to have a fun recipe post by the end of the weekend. Maybe I will make something yummy for the TrueBlood viewing this Sunday. Something bloody good!!

xoxo Stay Calm and Party On xoxo